Join us for SIG SI’s events at ASIS&T 2014!
Please join SIG SI for the following events at ASIS&T 2014, the 77th Annual Meeting of the Association of Information Science and Technology in Seattle, WA:
Saturday November 1
- 8:30am – 12:30pm: The 10th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium: Connecting (Epistemic) Cultures and (Intellectual) Communities (in Leschi, on the 3rd floor of the Sheraton Seattle Hotel). This year we are celebrating a decade of successful and vibrant SIG SI research symposiums, and gather to celebrate a decade of intellectually challenging and engaging work in social informatics. The symposium will include presentations of research focusing on the question of understanding and analyzing connections between social informatics and cognate epistemic cultures and intellectual communities from a social informatics perspective. Authors include Wayne Buente, EunJeong Cheon, Joe Greene, Tamara Heck, Asen O. Ivanov, Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi, Luz Quiroga, Hyejin Park, and Min Sook Park. Presenters and the audience will engage in a panel session on social informatics and epistemic cultures. The symposium will also include presentations of the best social informatics paper awards for 2013, awarded to Nama Budhathoki, Caroline Haythornthwaite, Gal Oestreicher-Singer, and Lior Zalmanson. We expect an engaging discussion with lively interactions with the audience, and hope to see you there! View the full schedule for our symposium.
- 7:00pm: SIG SI meet up dinner organized by social chair Kristin Eschenfelder. Interested attendees can meet up at 6:45pm at the SIG KM happy hour (Jefferson). We’ll be eating at PF Changs (1 block from conference hotel) in the Westlake Center, 400 Pine Street; (206) 393-0070. New members and students especially encouraged to attend! See you there!
Sunday November 2
- 12:00 – 12:45pm: New Members / First Conference Brunch in the Cirrus Room (on the 35th floor of the Pike Street tower of the Sheraton Seattle Hotel). If you are a new ASIS&T member or this is your first time attending the Annual Meeting, be sure to come to this session and learn about ASIS&T and its special interest groups, including SIG SI! We will be represented by communications officer Adam Worrall.
- 3:30 – 5:00pm: Panel on Social informatics and social media: Theoretical reflections, sponsored by SIG SI and held in Grand Ballroom C (2nd floor). Panel features Noriko Hara, Pnina Fichman, and Howard Rosenbaum (all from Indiana University), along with Ken Fleischmann (University of Texas at Austin), Mohammad Jarrahi (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and Brian Butler (University of Maryland). The panelists will engage with the following question: In what ways does social media research make theoretical contributions to social informatics and move the theory development within social informatics forward?
- 7:00 – 8:00pm: Welcome Reception and SIG Rush in the Cirrus Room (35th floor) – look for SIG SI officers and members at this reception!
Monday November 3
- 9:05 – 10:05am: SIG SI Business Meeting, in the Madronna room on the 2nd floor of the Sheraton. We encourage all interested SIG SI members to attend! You should especially come if you are interested in getting involved in contributing to the future of SIG SI; volunteering as an officer; or assisting with communication or gathering information about social informatics-related events, activities, and publications. We welcome any and all who share our interest in social informatics and in a vibrant and active SIG. If you cannot make our business meeting but would still like to get involved, please get in touch with our co-chairs Pnina Fichman and Howard Rosenbaum, or reach out to one of our other officers.
- 1:30 – 3:00pm: Panel on Boundary objects in information science research: An approach for explicating connections between collections, cultures, and communities, sponsored by SIG SI as well as SIG CR and SIG USE and held in Grand Ballroom A (2nd floor). Panel is led by Isto Huvila (Åbo Akademi University, Finland) and features Theresa Anderson (University of Technology Sydney), Eva Hourihan Jansen (University of Toronto), Pam McKenzie (University of Western Ontario), Lynn Westbrook (University of Texas at Austin), and Adam Worrall (Florida State University). The panelists will provide an overview of and introduction to the state of the art of information science research informed by boundary object theory and concepts; illustrate the variety of studies and contexts in which the notion of boundary objects can be found useful in explicating connections between collections, cultures and communities; and push forward the state of the art of boundary object-oriented information science research by discussing new empirical and practical areas of interest and the theory itself.
Tuesday November 4
- Noon – 1:30pm: At the Annual ASIS&T Awards Luncheon (in the Metropolitan Ballroom, 3rd floor), Howard Rosenbaum and Pnina Fichman’s edited volume Social Informatics: Past, Present and Future will be honored as the 2014 ASIS&T SIG Publication of the Year. Many chapters originated from papers presented in SIG SI symposiums from the last few years. Come congratulate Howard, Pnina, and authors of the chapters featured in the book!
We look forward to seeing everyone interested in social informatics and SIG SI throughout the conference. Welcome to Seattle!