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Saira Hanif Soroya to Receive the ASIS&T 2024 James A. Cretsos Award for Leadership

The Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) is delighted to announce that Saira Hanif Soroya, PhD is the recipient of the 2024 James A. Cretsos Award for Leadership. The award’s purpose is to recognize a new ASIS&T member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities in professional ASIS&T activities.

Dr. Soroya is working as Associate Professor at the Information & Library Science Department, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT, USA. Previously she served the University of Kentucky as visiting Assistant Professor. She contributed to various academic organizations in Pakistan for fifteen years, serving as a teacher, researcher, and professional librarian. She has been active with the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) since 2017. Dr. Soroya is also a well- known professional trainer. She has published more than 70 research papers in well reputed International Journals. She has received three international best research papers awards (Elsevier, Emerald, and ASIS&T). In addition, she has served the professional community as a managing editor, reviewer, and editorial board member for different journals. Dr. Soroya has additionally held roles as co-chair and committee member for numerous international conferences.

In nominating Dr. Soroya for this award, Dr. Md. Anwarul Islam said, “One of the most remarkable aspects of Saira's contributions to ASIS&T has been her transformative work with SIG III. As Chair of the InfoShare Awards committee, Saira led initiatives to enhance the awards process and increase participation from diverse geographic regions. Her proactive approach to marketing the InfoShare Awards resulted in a significant rise in the number of applicants, enriching the ASIS&T community with fresh perspectives and ideas. I have witnessed firsthand her efforts to amend the bylaws, thereby making the InfoShare award program more effective. As a result, the InfoShare awards have produced number of good leaders who are actively contributing to various ASIS&T chapters and SIGs.”

Upon learning of her selection as winner of the Cretsos Award, Soroya responded, "I am super excited and thankful to ASIS&T for honoring me with the James M. Cretsos Leadership Award. I deeply appreciate ASIS&T's commitment to diversity and inclusion, which truly embodies the organization's international spirit. This award is not just an acknowledgment of my efforts but the result of collective teamwork. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has guided and supported me. I dedicate this award to my late mother, who was a beacon of hope during the darkest challenges life presented".

Soroya will receive the award during the 2024 meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) which will be held 25-29 October 2024 in Calgary, AB Canada.