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New from JASIST, September 2023

New from JASIST, September 2023 JASIST Volume 74, Issue 10, October 2023 Full Issue RESEARCH ARTICLES Times new plural: The multiple temporalities of contemporary life and the infosphere Tom Mason, David Bawden How question type influences knowledge withholding in social Q&A community Xing Zhang, Durong Wang, Yuyao Tang, Quan Xiao Communicating shared situational awareness in…

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New From Information Matters, September 2023

New From Information Matters, September 2023 Check out the newest articles from Information Matters (IM), ASIS&T’s digital-only communication translational forum for information science, bringing relevant and current research evidence and industry developments, news, and opinion to a global public audience free of charge. Sign up for our weekly newsletters from IM. Is the World Different Depending on Whose AI…

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Chapter News, September 2023

Chapter News, September 2023 Africa Chapter The Africa Chapter is seeking nominations for the positions of Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, Webmaster/Communication Officer, Chapter Advisor, and Member Recruitment Officer for 2023-2024. Please contact Pamela Yonker at with nominations (including self-nominations) for these roles by 22nd September 2023. Please include a 25-word statement of why you should be elected to the…

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SIG News, September 2023

SIG News, September 2023 SIG-DL (Digital Libraries) SIG-DL is seeking self-nomination for the following positions. Chair Chair-Elect Secretary/Treasurer Webmaster/Communications Officer SIG-DL Cabinet Representative Nomination requirements: Name/short bio Nomination Statement (reason and interest in running for your chosen position and your expertise): Deadline: September 25, 2023 Please send your self-nomination to the current SIG-DL Chair Dr. Jelina…

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Upcoming Webinars and Events

Upcoming Webinars and Events ASIS&T Webinars, your source for online live and on-demand content created by the Association for Information Science & Technology, are free to ASIS&T members. Our webinars connect you with experts and global thought leaders in information science, management, and business on relevant professional issues. Webinar: Meet the Authors: There Are No…

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Affiliated Organization News, September 2023

Affiliated Organization News, September 2023 2023 iFederation @ ALISE Virtual Session Monday, September 25, 2023 | 10:00 am – 11:30 am EDT Register here The iFederation@ALISE session will be a 90-minute online session offered through Zoom. The session will be open to any members of ALISE, ASIS&T, or iSchools. The iFederation@ALISE session will continue with…

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President’s Column, July 2023

President’s Column, July 2023 Although we are about four weeks past the summer equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, where the days begin to get shorter, summer is still in full swing. We are experiencing an intense heat wave across North America and Europe. I hope you are surviving the hot weather, taking a well-deserved vacation,…

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2023 Global Award Winners

2023 Global Award Winners The ASIS&T Awards and Honors Committee is delighted to announce the winners of the ASIS&T International Awards to individuals. Please join us in congratulating this year’s winners on their outstanding achievement. Award of Merit Andrew Dillon Best JASIST Paper Award “Integrative data reuse at scientifically significant sites: Case studies at Yellowstone…

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ASIS&T Hour with ASIS&T Board

ASIS&T Hour with ASIS&T Board Do you have a great idea about ASIS&T member benefits? Do you have ideas about how ASIS&T can support your professional development? ASIS&T Hour is your chance to discuss your ideas with the Board of Directors. The broad topic concerns how ASIS&T can improve membership benefits and best support your…

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