New Leaders Program
The ASIS&T New Leader Program is currently under review by the ASIS&T Professional Development Committee. This outcome of this review and next steps for the program will not be complete until Fall 2024 at the earliest, Applications will be made available following the outcomes of the review.
Purpose of the Program
To recruit, engage, and retain new members and to identify potential for new leadership in the Association.
The applicant must meet the following qualifications:
- Applicants must have been ASIS&T members in good standing for up to (3) years at the time the award is made and be a current member at the time of application.
- Applicants must be willing and able to make a full-year commitment to the New Leaders Program of ASIS&T.
New Leaders may apply to extend their award for a second consecutive year. No new leader may serve for more than two years.
Submissions will be judged on the following criteria:
- Potential for future leadership within ASIS&T
- Demonstrated leadership experience and potential
- Alignment between candidate’s interests and association priorities
Application Process
Applications must be submitted by 11:59 pm US Pacific Time on the deadline date via the designated online portal.
Applications must include:
- A current CV
- One (1) letter of reference from another ASIS&T member that speaks to the candidate’s leadership experience and potential.
- A statement (no more than 1,000 words) that addresses the following:
- Any previous involvement in ASIS&T and the benefits the applicant has received from their ASIS&T membership;
- The applicant’s leadership experiences, including a) leadership positions held in ASIS&T and other organizations and b) leadership qualities or skills the applicant possesses;
- Why the applicant wants to participate in the New Leaders Program, including a) what they hope to contribute to ASIS&T and b) what they hope to gain professionally and personally; and
- Why the applicant has selected their three placement choices and if there is a specific project or goal associated with their selections.
Along with the application, applicants must identify their top three placement preferences among the list of Regional Chapters, Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Committees or Association Leader (President or Executive Director) with whom they would like to work.
The Jury will be chaired by the sitting President-Elect of ASIS&T. The remainder of the Jury will be comprised of the SIG Cabinet Director, the Chapter Assembly Director, the Executive Director of ASIS&T, and one member of the Research Engagement Committee selected by the Jury Chair
Selection Process
- The jury will utilize both asynchronous scoring and synchronous discussion to arrive at a final decision.
- Through the evaluation platform or system, jury members will rate each nominee on a scale of 10 (highest) to 1 (lowest) on each of the criteria listed above.
- The jury chair shall tally the votes, with each of the categories weighted equally.
- In the event of a tie that cannot be resolved through synchronous discussion, the jury chair will identify an additional jury member to break the tie. This new jury member will evaluate only the tied nominations and will rate them using the same criteria used by the other jurors.
- Up to eight (8) applications may be accepted each year.
Nature of the Award
New Leaders will be assigned to work closely with a Chapter, SIG or Volunteer Leader in ASIS&T. One or more mentors will be selected for each awardee, based on the unit to which the awardee is assigned. The award consists of Annual Meeting registration for the year of their participation in the program (excluding tutorials, workshops and other special events) and up to $500 in travel support. Attendance at the Annual Meeting is required and in-person attendance is strongly encouraged. New Leaders who complete two years of the program may pool their travel funds to attend one Annual Meeting in person.
Mentor Expectations
New Leader Expectations
Important Dates
- Jury Appointment: March 15
- Submission Deadline: March 31
- Selection Deadline: May 15
- Unit and Mentor Assignment Deadline: September 1