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ARIST Editorial Board

Lisa M. Given, PhD, Professor of Information Sciences, RMIT University

Lisa M. Given, PhD, is Director, Social Change Enabling Capability Platform, and a Professor of Information Sciences at RMIT University (Melbourne). Her interdisciplinary research in human information behaviour brings a critical, social research lens to studies of technology use and user-focused design. A former President of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Prof Given has served on the Australian Research Council’s (ARC’s) College of Experts. She is lead author of the forthcoming 5thedition of Looking for Information, author of 100 Questions (and Answers) about Qualitative Research (2016), and editor of The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods (2008). You can follow her on Twitter @lisagiven and find out more about her work at



Garrett Doherty

Garrett Doherty is the Managing Editor for ASIS&T’s publications ARIST, JASIS&T, and Information Matters.








Dr. Lynne Bowker, Full Professor and Canada Research Chair, Université Laval

Lynne Bowker is Full Professor and Canada Research Chair in Translation, Technologies, and Society at Université Laval. She is a certified translator and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Her research areas include natural language processing, multilingual information retrieval, text mining, scholarly communication, and knowledge organization.





Dr. Yi Bu, Assistant Professor (Information Management), Peking University (China)

Yi Bu is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Information Management, Peking University, China. He is doing research in the application aspect of data analytics, with a particular focus on scholarly data mining. He has an undergraduate degree in information management and system from Peking University, an MS in data science, and a PhD in informatics from Indiana University.





Dr. John M. Budd, Professor Emeritus, University of Missouri (USA)

John Budd is a prolific author, with more than 150 publications, including fifteen books, to his credit. He also has editorial experience, having edited Library Resources & Technical Services, the Publications in Librarianship monograph series, and is currently co-editor of the Journal of Education for Library and Information Science. This appointment means a great deal to him.





Prof. Jesse Dinneen, PhD, Junior Professor (Information Science), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)

Jesse Dinneen is a Junior Professor for information science in the Berlin School of Library and Information Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, where he researches and teaches information ethics and governance (including data & AI) and personal information management (including information organisation and retrieval).






Dr. Güleda Doğan, Assistant Professor (Information Management), Hacettepe University (Turkey)

Güleda Doğan is working as an assistant professor at Hacettepe University, Department of Information Management. She has an undergraduate degree in Statistics and studied university rankings for her PhD. Güleda Doğan has an editorial experience of 12 years in a national Turkish library science journal. She worked on two European Union-funded projects on open access policies, and she is currently a consultant for the Council of Higher Education and The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey on open access, open science, and related issues.




Dr. Jia Tina Du, Professor (Information Sciences), Charles Sturt University (Australia)

Professor Jia Tina Du is the Head of the School of Information and Communication Studies at Charles Sturt University in New South Wales, Australia. Tina also leads the Information and Innovation Laboratory. Her research interests are user-technology interactions, human information behaviour, information journey, the social impact of digital technologies, and community-engaged research. Tina was awarded the Australian Research Council DECRA Fellowship and Young Tall Poppy of Science Award, among many other awards and honours.




Dr. Viviane Frings-Hessami, ARC DECRA Fellow (Information Technology), Monash University (Australia)

Viviane Frings-Hessami is an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow in the Digital Equity Group, Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia. Her research interests span information science, archival science and ICT for development. She is particularly interested in the cultural differences that impact on information access and information sustainability.





Dr. Jacek Gwizdka, Associate Professor (School of Information), University of Texas at Austin (USA)

I am an Associate Professor in the School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin. I have a PhD (U of Toronto) and two masters' degrees in engineering (industrial and electrical) and a postdoc in cognitive psychology. I study human information interaction (a.k.a. interactive information retrieval) and apply methods from experimental cognitive psychology and neuro-physiology to understand information searchers and improve search experience. I am particularly interested in inferring and quantifying cognitive and affective phenomena in human information interaction from neuro-physiological signals and subsequently in creating models that relate and predict these phenomena. I employ eye-tracking, pupillometry, neuro-physiological signals in assessment of search as learning, reading, mind-wandering and in inferring information relevance.


Dr. Lala Hajibayova, Associate Professor (School of Information), Kent State University (USA)

Dr. Hajibayova is an associate professor in the Kent State University School of Information. Lala’s research falls into a broad category of sociotechnical studies, information representation and organization, and scholarly communication. Her research examines interplay between individuals’ contextualized experiences of engaging with the systems and potential of individuals’ collective actions to enrich systems of representation, organization and discovery





Dr. Heidi Julien, Professor (Information Science), University at Buffalo (USA)

Heidi Julien is a Professor in the Department of Information Science at the University at Buffalo and a Research Associate at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Her PhD in information science is from the University of Western Ontario. She conducts research on digital literacy, information behavior, and research methods.






Dr. Dirk Lewandowski, Professor (Information Research and Information Retrieval), Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

Dirk Lewandowski is a professor of information research and information retrieval at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Dirk's research interests are Web information retrieval, search engine user behaviour and the role that search engines play in society. He is an ASIS&T Distinguished Member.





Dr. Bhuva Narayan, Associate Professor (Digital Social Media), University of Technology Sydney (Australia)

Bhuva Narayan is Associate Professor of Digital Social Media, and the Director of Graduate Research at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), overseeing 200 graduate research students. Previously, Bhuva was the Programme Coordinator for the UTS Information and Knowledge Management Programme from 2013 – 2018. Bhuva is the Associate Editor of the Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association (JALIA) since 2017. Bhuva’s primary research interests are in Human Information Behaviours, Human Information Interaction, User Experience Research, Document Studies, Personal Information Management, and Privacy Literacy.




Dr. Richard P. Smiraglia, Senior Fellow and Executive Director, Institute for Knowledge Organization and Structure, Inc. (USA)

Richard P. Smiraglia is the author of works in information and knowledge organization exploring ontology extraction, the evolution of knowledge in domains, and the phenomenon of instantiation among information objects. He was recipient of the 2018 LITA/OCLC Kilgour Research Award. He was Editor-in-Chief of the journal Knowledge Organization from 2004-2020.




Dr. Beth St. Jean, Associate Professor (Information Studies), University of Maryland (USA)

Beth St. Jean is an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland College of Information Studies in College Park, Maryland. She holds a PhD and an MS in Information from the University of Michigan School of Information. Beth's teaching and research focus on the intersection of people's health-related information behaviors, information access, health literacy, and health justice, particularly aiming to identify the information-related causes of, and potential solutions to, health disparities.




Dr. Christine Urquhart, Senior Lecturer Emeritus, Aberystwyth University (UK)

Christine Urquhart is on the editorial board of the Journal of Documentation and the Health Information and Libraries Journal, and has been an associate editor (BMC Health Services Research). She is a Cochrane systematic review author and has a keen interest in developing meta-synthesis methods for information science research.






Dr. Xiaojun (Jenny) Yuan, Associate Professor (Information Science), University at Albany, State University of New York (USA)

Dr. Yuan is an associate professor in the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity (CEHC) at the University at Albany, State University of New York. Her teaching and research interests include both Human Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval, with the focus on user interface design and evaluation and human information behavior.




Dr. Yuxiang (Chris) Zhao, Professor (Information Science), Nanjing University (China)

Dr. Zhao is a professor of Information Science at Nanjing University of Science and Technology. His research centers on interdisciplinary studies related to human-computer interaction, health informatics, open innovation and digital humanities. He is now serving on the editorial boards of ARIST, JASIST, IP&M, and Library Trends.